Debbie Nuttall | Art & Photography for sale


It has been quite a journey, I wanted to go to art college when I was 16 but “common sense” ingrained by my parents forced me to stay at school until I was 18 and had completed all my exams. This I did but I hated every moment of it. I then went and did a 1 year Foundation Course at Exeter College of Art & Design, before moving to North Staffordshire Polytechnic in Stoke-on-Trent, to do my BA Honours Degree in Design. I had 3 great years there, exploring new media and finding myself completely hooked on film, radio and photography. Exploring “painting” was not an option because I never considered myself good enough. Its taken me decades to realise that art is not about whether or not you are good enough, art is about expressing and exploring. If people like what you do and wish to buy it, that is a bonus!

After graduating in 1979 I setup a design company, along with a fellow graduate, in Stoke-on-Trent. The company, Hearsay Audio-visual Ltd, provided audio-visual and graphic design solutions to businesses. In 1981 I married and left UK to live in Bangkok with my husband before moving to Hong Kong where we lived until 1998. During our time in Hong Kong I established my own graphic design company, Printline Ltd which I ran for 10 years. Both businesses, whilst they have been in creative media, did not nurture my dream to paint; to explore boundaries; to experiment; …to have fun like when you were a kid! During these years I also learnt Chinese Brush painting (my Chinese teacher was horriified that I was left handed!) a very disciplined yet free art form. 

My family and I returned to the UK in 1998. When we returned I promised myself that I would explore my painting and take time out from work. At the time I did not know that it would be quite the journey that it has been but I started painting.


I have a cluster of people both friends and professionals who have been a significant part of my journey. Individuals from whom I have drawn strength, confidence, insight and self-belief. I would not be painting without their continued, solid, consistent support.


To these people, you know who you are, I am extremely grateful. Thank you!

Debbie Nuttall |Art & Photography for sale
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